Origins of the Rebellion

“Hello, world. I’m the dad of a trans kid.”

That was how I started my first post to address the explosion of false accusations and conspiracy theories stemming from another parent outing our family on Facebook. I went on to explain that our young trans son was not actually a threat to God and country – or his 2nd grade class.

That was back in the Spring of 2016.

It seems like another lifetime ago when our young son first made it clear that someone got it wrong on his assigned gender – and he was right. Gender, like many other things in nature, is on a spectrum. The year was 2011, and he wasn’t yet three years old.

The need for Scientific Rebellion grew out of my experience advocating for the trans community over the past decade and a half. The world, unfortunately, is now a far more dangerous place than it was just a few short years ago.

While I still believe sharing our story is worthwhile and even necessary, it has become painfully clear that it is in no way sufficient to overcome the intentional dehumanization and vilification of the trans community and its allies.

And it is not just the trans community that faces persecution and elimination from American life. Critical thinking and scientific discourse itself are under fire, and anyone who does not fit the far right’s white, patriarchal Christian standard may find themselves an enemy of the state.

I hope you can benefit in some small way from our story and experiences to date. But Scientific Rebellion is the beginning of a new journey. The rest of the story has yet to be written. Will you join us?